Wrapping up my third year at New Trier, I have come to realize that there are so many different titles that New Trier uses that seem unnecessary. By this I am referring to why gym class is called "Kinetic Wellness" class. Or why New Trier calls the language department the "Modern and Classical Language Department" or why the multipurpose room's formal name is the "Audio Visual EPI Center". All of these names and practices that New Trier carries out are a representation of the self-important feeling and need to show of that clouds New Trier.
However on a larger scale, I think America in general feels the same way. Wedding invitations are worded as an annoucement from the parents to show of the marriage of thier child and this overall are often made up to sounds "showier" than they actually are. In "White Noise" by Don DeLillo, DeLillo satirizes this aspect of American culture by naming the locations in his book things like "The Airport Marriot, the Downtown Travelodge, the Sheraton Inn, and Conference Center" (15). All of these locations are plain and named because they accurately describe the location, they are not showy or made up to be more than what it is. The names at New Trier and the names that we see in and around or community are a construction made to increase the face value of a location, thing, or entity. Since so much is based off of names, as my colleague Elise wrote in her blog, we try and increase general interest in our names by making them showier and more important than they actually might be.
What effect do you think showier names have on people?