Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meta - Post: Take 2

Endings are always a good time for reflection, and so as the school year wraps up another reflection is in order. I have made quite a few changes since the beginning of the year, for example the qualities of my titles has definitely gotten better as the year progressed. But the more intriguing changes I've made are in the content of my blogs and the connections I make from class to larger themes. Although the goal of these blogs was to relate class or everyday happening to "greater American themes", I honestly don't think I fully mastered that until about midway through 3rd quarter. 
It all began with a blog post titled "Today's Society Pill Poppin'", which was about how "White Noise" characters were dependent on a drug called Dylar and how it relates to the over-diagnosis problem with present day America. This blog included a quote from an in-class text, a link to a colleague's blog, a connection between something we learned in class to a present day phenomenon (plus it was commented on by Doc O'C!). 
After that post I'd like to say that my posts became radically more interesting however they were a bit watery because they were mostly stretched attempts at connecting my Junior Theme (on illegal immigrants in the agriculture industry) to various American or in-class themes. But one post that stood out to me was a post titled "Happy Farms", although this one did not include a comment from Doc O'C, it drew a contrast between how the food industry is perceived in the media. It including statistics and drew a parallel between illegal immigration and inhumane treatments of farm animals. I really liked this post because it included things that are current such as "Food Inc.", "Happy Farms", and "Farmville" and related it to things like my Junior Theme. All of these topics worked well together and they brought new interesting ideas to light. 
My posts really started to become tantalizing again in May, all of those posts were inspired by things I saw and things that were around me and that is what I think made certain post stronger than others.The fact that I kept the "American Studies Mindset" while conducting everyday things and was able to connect those things to "Greater American Themes" is what made certain blogs stronger. In "Don't we all want to be 'Oggsford' men?" I linked a sign I saw (and photographed) to the "Great Gatsby" and the theme of education playing a factor in status. This is evidence of me looking at things more critically and these are the types of blogs that end up being stronger than others. Overall I have progressed throughout the year in that I have been able to look at everyday things more critically, evidence by the last couple blogs of the year.