Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TV Tokenism: Criminal Minds

Criminal minds is a popular network drama and this cast photo refutes Mr. Bolos's thesis because although Derek Morgan is the only minority character he is featured in the center of the shot and is shown as larger than most other characters. This indicates that he is a main character and of some importance to the show.
"Profiler Profiled" Season 2 Episode 12 - This episode was early in the show's life and it was part of a series of episodes that developed Morgan's character and explored his past. This shows that he is not just a token minority character but that his character has depth and is important to the show if they are going to spend multiple episodes developing that character so early in the show's lifetime. Also note that he is not wearing a suit nor is he used as a "side kick" to reign in any of the other characters. This clip shows that he has a wide range of emotions and also illustrates the conflicts in his life as well as his elaborate personality. Therefore Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds refutes Mr. Bolos's thesis.

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